Oduvijek sam voljela nositi jednostavan ali opet zanimljiv i jedinstven nakit te moram priznati da sam oduvijek bila izbirljiva na tu temu. Ne pretjerujem sa nošenjem previše komada odjednom i upravo zbog toga volim za sebe odabirati posebne komade nakita. U bespuću interneta susrela sam se sa brandom Happiness Boutique te vam danas predstavljam upravo njihove posebne komade nakita.
I have always loved to wear simple but still interesting and unique jewelry and I must admit that I have always been picky on the subject. I do not exaggerate with wearing too many pieces at once, which is why I love to choose for myself specific pieces of jewelry. In a large offer on the internet, I came across the jewelry brand Happiness Boutique.
Happiness Boutique je zapravo međunarodna online trgovina za moderne žene. Njihov stil je bezvremenski klasik sa šarmantnom vintage dodirom. Inspiraciju pronalaze u grafici, zanimljivim uzorcima, bojama, umjetnosti, fotografijama i mode. Cilj branda Happiness Boutique je da se osjećate jednako dobro kao što i izgledate. Biti sretan je stanje uma a Happiness Boutique brand teži širenju sreće i dobrih vibracija. Pristup nakitu kojim se Happiness Boutique vodi je poput sretnih žetona koje možete dodirnuti i osjetiti te koji će vas podsjećati na lijepe stvari koje treba cijeniti.
Happiness Boutique is actually an international online store for modern women. Their style is a timeless classic with a charming vintage touch. Their inspiration is in graphics, interesting patterns, colors, art, photography and fashion. The goal of the brand Happiness Boutique is to make you feel as good as you look. Being happy is a state of mind and Happiness Boutique brand tends to spread happiness and good vibrations. Happiness Boutique thinks of jewelry like it’s a lucky token that you can touch and feel and that will remind you to appreciate beautiful things.
U suradnji sa Happiness Boutique odabrala sam za sebe jedan poseban komad nakita pod nazivom ‘Marble Stone Boho Necklace‘ a riječ je o lančiću sa zanimljivim mramornim privjeskom. Također, Happiness Boutique je ponudio mojim čitateljima 10% popusta pri kupovini na njihovoj službenoj web stranici www.happinessboutique.com uz korištenje promotivnog koda ANAVIGLAM (kupon je važeći do 07.10.2016. za narudžbe veće od 19eura+besplatna poštarina). Također, zanimljivo je za istaknuti kako Happiness Boutique nudi i opciju nagradnog programa o kojoj više možete saznati klikom na ovaj link.
In a cooperation with Happiness Boutique I chose for myself a special piece of jewelry called ‘Marble Stone Boho Necklace‘ and it is a chain with interesting marble pendant. Also, Happiness Boutique offered my readers a 10% discount when purchasing on their official website www.happinessboutique.com using the promotional code ANAVIGLAM (coupon is valid until October 7th for orders over 19EUR + free shipping). Also, it is interesting to point out Happiness Boutique also offers customer reward program on which you can find out more by clicking on this link .