[HR] Instagram je mjesto na kojem se nalazi pregršt kreativnih ljudi i mjesto gdje sam naišla na jednu posebnu umjetnicu Gil. Gil i njen suprug su kreativci zaljubljeni u umjetnost koji su naprosto morali započeti sa svojim radom, bio bi grijeh da nisu. Jednostavno su jednoga dana uzeli papir u ruke i tako je priča krenula sama od sebe. Posebnost njihovih radova leži u jednostavnom ali jedinstvenom pristupu. Neovisno radili sa vodenim bojama ili razradili fotografiju njihovi su radovi posebni. Gil će možda biti zanimljivija nama ženama zbog proizvoda koje slika a radi se naime o parfemima koje kreirana na sebi svojstven način sa vodenim bojama.
Više o njima i njihovom radu možete potražiti na njihovoj službenoj web stranici Webbmonstret & Just.Gil i Instagram profilu Just.Gil, no u nastavku ovoga posta možete osvojiti i jedanu od dvije slike u darivanju na Instagramu.
[ENG] Instagram is a place where there is a handful of creative people and the place where I met a special artist Gil. Gil and her husband are in love with the art, two creative people who simply need to begin their work would be a sin not to. One day they just took the paper in their hands and the story went on its own. The specificity of their work lies in the simple but unique approach. Independently working with water colors or elaborate photograph their work is special. Gil might be more interesting for us women because of the products that she paints. Perfumes that Gil creates in her own way with watercolors are especially nice.
More about them and their work can be found on their official website Webbmonstret & Just.Gil and Instagram profile Just.Gil, further in this blog post you can win one of the two images in a giveaway on Instagram.
Internacionalno Instagram darivanje
- Lajkaj ovu fotografiju
- Prati @just.gil i @anaviglam Instagram profile
- Podijeli ovu sliku uz #justgil #anaviglam #giveaway #justgilandaviglamgiveaway
- Tagiraj prijatelja u komentarima ispod slike
- {Neobavezno} Ostavi komentar ispod koju bi sliku želio osvojiti (Tom Ford ili Thierry Mugler)
Dva dobitnika biti će izabrana uz pomoć hashtaga #justgilandanaviglamgiveaway, profil mora biti javan a darivanje završava 15.6. u ponoć. Dobitnici će biti objavljeni 17.06. tokom dana.
International Instagram giveaway
- Like this photo
- Follow @just.gil and @anaviglam Instagram profiles
- Repost this image with #justgil #anaviglam #giveaway #justgilandaviglamgiveaway
- Tag a friend in the comments below
- {Optional} Comment below which painting you would love to win ((Tom Ford or Thierry Mugler)
The two winners will be picked at random from the hashtag #justgilandanaviglamgiveaway, account must be public, ends on June 15th at midnight. The winner will be announced on June 17th.
DISCLAIMER: Per Instagram rules, this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram. No purchase necessary. By entering, entrants confirm they are 13+ years of age, release Instagram of responsibility, and agree to Instagram’s term of use.
#giveaway #win #musthave #promote #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #shoutout
Good luck!